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Happy New Year!


Another one!

I'd thought I was all booked up thru February, but then a bunch of things have been delayed for various reasons and I've been able to catch up with more web design projects.

So keep an eye on this space as I'm planning on a client sites page... show off everyone's stuff.

Guess who designed this site?!? Yes, 'twas I! :-)

IDAL: International Decorative Artisans League. We just had our first meeting of the year. If you have any inkling of arty-interest in faux painting it's a fun place to meet people, share ideas, and learn scads of info in a short time. Our next meeting is March 8th... but you have to be a paid-up member for this one, it's special. We're showing off to the interior designers of IDS.

After that you can come visit in April. That'll be a regular meeting, location/time/date yet TBD.


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