"Did You Know You Bought 150 Brownie Bites?"
"Well, you know. People like brownies. I like brownies."
"Yes, and you think maybe 30 people will come?"
"I think so"
"Yeah, and that's like, 3 each."
"but not everyone is going to eat brownies"
<disbelieving look>
"Ooo - then maybe we get 6 each!"
"Ooh, and then there's the healthy thingies, too."

Please come tonight & help us eat 144 brownie bites, 64 healthy-ish "Aussie Bites" (I think they must be modeled on ANZAC biscuits with added superfood stuff), much fresh produce, 40 plain pita, 30 whole wheat pita, some salsa & chips, cheese, oregano & feta pita, guacamole, apples, carrots, 2 pineapples, some cheese, some pop & juice, ummm... we have food.
AND we have art! All good stuff, peoples!